How to make leather bags

Creating a leather bag starts with thinking.

We used to flip through magazines to get inspired. Today, we browse web pages. Based on your tastes and skills, you choose and reinterpret a model.

Let the big fashion brands speak the language of “art” and “design”. We do modeling and craftsmanship in our workshops, with our own minds and hands. 

First of all, I draw a sketch of the leather bag I’m going to create.

The next steps are the creation of a paper model and the assembly of a canvas prototype.

How to make leather bags, Mancini Leather Since 1918
How to make leather bags, Mancini Leather Since 1918

Using canvas we can simulate the texture of the leather and we have the opportunity to make changes and correct any mistakes. Mistakes on the first piece are inevitable!


Let’s now move on to the leather cutting phase.

This is a very important step, it is about choosing the most suitable parts and maximize the use of the leather.

Factory production differs from artisanal production because it often tends to use many small leather dials joined together by many seams. Such a production policy may increase profit, but it corrupts the beauty and strength of the finished product.


The last step is to join all the pieces together using the glue and the sewing machine.

How to make leather bags, Mancini Leather Since 1918
How to make leather bags, Mancini Leather Since 1918
How to make leather bags, Mancini Leather Since 1918
How to make leather bags, Mancini Leather Since 1918

An old Italian saying goes:

“il mestiere deve entrare nelle mani”

which literally means

“the craft must enter the hands”.

Well, I think it’s not expired…

Riccardo Mancini